Blog de Jeremie Baldocchi artiste peintre contemporain Français

Photographe: Jon Rafman

Artiste publié le 29 novembre 2012
dans la catégorie

Le photographe Jon Rafman a eu l’excellente idée de rassembler les photos inattendues que propose le service d’exploration Google Street View dans Google Map
Des photos d’instants drôles ou insolites qui me font dire qu’il s’en passe de drôle de chose dans ce bas monde!

Voir la fiche de l'artiste Jon Rafman sur Atsy

En voici une sélection:

Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman
Photographe Jon Rafman

Plus d’images sur son site:


9 Avis

  1. On dirait du photo-reportage :-)

  2. Anyone can capture these views. Someone has WAY too much time on their hands… oh wait… :-) haha.. I have been careening around google earth for a month capturing geological design. I have also looked a bit at street views and have seen a lot of strange things. I find it kind of haunting, personally.. I wonder what the legal ramifications are for publishing these google images? They really don’t belong to Jon Rafman or me or anyone but google.

  3. le type allongé mi trottoir mi route est effectivement très inattendue. Très intéressant comme site.

  4. Google makes an effort to block out the controversial objects. I went to a few of the sites where Jon left an address. Like for instance, I went to where the nude was standing on the beach in Bari Italy and they were blurred out. Here is before and after.

  5. I started noticing strange things were afoot when I found a Google view of a famous murder site (a story I was following that happened in the 40s in LA). Someone (had to be Google) had added a big stain on the spot where the person was found in what is now someone’s front yard. Creepy. Sometimes it is creepier when they try to alter things. I also am collecting google earth odd stuff.

  6. Oh, there is also another nude person in a chair just to the left of the standing nude. They blurred them out also.

  7. C’est fascinant!

  8. beaucoup de floutage de visages, ok normal mais pourquoi le lapin?(dans les dernières photos) Un effet?…

  9. mise à part le floutage (mais c’est un détail) j’aime beaucoup aussi…

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